Meet The Kittens

Dorian is a beautiful little lady, isn’t he? She’s a playful cutie and, although she doesn’t like cuddles much, she really loves to play. Her favourite thing is parkour. You can recognise her as the fur is predominantly black and she has a white lopsided moustache.

Sybil is a very affectionate kitten. She likes head-rubs and the laser toy. You can recognise her by the little splodge on the left side of her nose and her little beauty spot on her right cheek.
Cecily is a cutiepie. He likes to play with anything and enjoys a cuddle. Very much enjoys a scratch under the chin and he also likes long strokes down the back. He has a lovely sweet nature. You can recognise him from the thin white stripe that runs the length of his nose.

Ernest is a very serious chap. He does not like cuddles very often. When he does, he enjoys a stroke along the side of his face, but most of the time he just wants to run and chase. You can recognise Ernest the most easily of all because he is the only kitten with a pink nose.
Salome is a crazy kitten! She loves feather toys, and she can get really aggressive when she’s in an excited mood. She tends to run away with the toys and hide them from the other kittens. You can recognise Salome by her predominantly white face and black splodges on her nose.
Later edit: Our brave little Ernest was ready for a new adventure in a forever home and has been adopted in the first months of 2018.
Some of you might know this from our social media channels, that Ernest took a holiday from the cafe in order for us to understand his needs. Read more about his time in foster care here.
In order to find a lovely family for our amazing guy, we have also wrote a post to help finding the perfect adopter: