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Meet The Cats - Legolas


Meet The Cats  


About Legolas:

Legolas is one of the calicos in our Lord of the Rings litter. She is the smallest of the bunch but also one of the biggest cuddlebugs! Though this sweet girl may look angelic, don't let her innocent face fool you - she thrives on mischief! Along with her sister Merry, Legolas loves playfully annoying her siblings and stealing other cats' toys.


When it's time to chill, there is nothing this sweet girl loves more than a fuss and a cuddle. If Legolas chooses you, beware; she'll snuggle down and fall into a deep sleep before you know it! Watch out though... Legolas has a bit of a thing for human food and no matter how adorable she may look, make sure she doesn't try to steal your scones!

 Cat Adoption Information

Legolas is ready to be rehomed and we will be launching her adoption questionnaire soon!